Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Saved from the box!

It was a sunny January day in Fruitilla, my home town in Chile, when Pamela picked me out of the box at the local crafts shop. I knew it was the start of something great when I landed in the view pocket of her backpack.

We joined a group of people on the adventure of a lifetime! This is me enjoying the view from Orsono Volcano - there is a ski resort up here!

Then we went for a hike in the forest - great view here, too!

The next day we headed south by van, ferry and support boat to start a sea kayak expedition in the fjords south of Puerto Montt! I never imagined that the outdoors could be so beautiful!

Turns out Pamela is married to Howdy, but they still let me sleep in the tent with them. Camping is so fun! There are so many stars in the Chilean sky. Love that Southern Cross.

Sea kayaking in the Chilean Fiords! Gotta love it!

They asked me to help fix dinner on the mothership. A finger puppet's job is never done!

Evenings after dinner we often enjoyed a great campfire - thanks to Dave from Texas!

I even helped to drive the mothership when the pilot got tired. He was a great guy!

But, alas, all this excitement and adventure still can't erase the memory of my sweet Kerryquito (I carry her picture, above). She is still back in the box at Friutilla. I have decided that I will send for her so she can join me on the next adventure!